South Carolina Center for Fathers and Familes

Supporting Fathers, Strengthening Families

Services and Help

If you are looking for assistance, we can help.

Are you a father facing many obstacles? Is the child support system on your back? Are you concerned that you may be called to court any day and worried that you will end up in jail because you have been there before? Is the mother of your child preventing you from seeing the child leaving you anxious that your child may conclude that you do not care about him/her? Are you out of a job and unable to provide money to go toward meeting your child's needs? If you thought that the prospects of landing a job were possible, would you have transportation to go and apply? How do you feel about yourself? Perhaps sometimes you don't even feel like a man.

At a local fatherhood program you will find a complete approach to overcoming these very obstacles to becoming an engaged, responsible father. You will find that the fatherhood program staff understands where you are - some of them have been in your very situation. They have helped hundreds of guys just like you. At a fatherhood program you will also meet other fathers facing the same challenges and willing to help each other find a better life for themselves and their families. You will be encouraged and motivated even when you feel like giving up; however, you will not find any crutches in a fatherhood program. You will get out of it exactly what you put in to it. The staff will provide information to increase your knowledge and skills linking to resources to execute your personal plan for a better life.

Fathers are encouraged to join and fully participate in the entire program rather than simply patching up the problem-of-the-day. Fathers are invited to attend weekly peer support meetings where they join other fathers to learn about and share the process of building new personal support networks with men who want to do better and be better. The fatherhood curriculum addresses a wide range of topics aimed at improving employment, parenting, family relationships and much more.

Topics include:

Fatherhood program staff members provide one-on-one assistance to help participants achieve their individually set goals in a One Man Plan. Staff members assist in multiple ways including: receive guidance to navigate the child support system, mediation with the child's mother and other family members, access to healthcare, record expungement, transportation, finding a job and stable housing. Make no mistake, a fatherhood program can not address every problem especially when specialized help is need for serious issues like drug and alcohol problems, violent behavior and mental illness; but, fatherhood programs have direct links to other organizations known and trusted for delivering excellent services. Fatherhood programs change lives and help men become the fathers they have always wanted to be. Search for a fatherhood program near you.

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